Heroes & Heroines

Heroes & Heroines is a new series that takes Christian men and women on a journey into spiritual maturity. The class launched Sunday, April 15, at 8:45 AM and is hosted at Calvary Church of Santa Ana in room N3.

The story behind the name is simple. So many Christians live vicariously through the people we read about in biographies and Christian books. We admire these “heroes of the faith,” and we crave the fruitfulness and intimacy that their lives portray. We even go so far as to try and copy their behaviors in an attempt to experience what they did. And, while some of us may be quite good at copying their behaviors, we fail to experience the fulness and vitality these people did.

At Heroes & Heroines, we believe that God does not pick certain “star” Christians to connect with, nor does He play favorites. We believe instead that each child of God is designed for a destiny far beyond our imagination. We believe that the enemy of our souls is quite aware of this, and does everything possible to thwart our Father’s plans. We believe that God has designed each of His children to be His ambassadors, His royal offspring, His champions in this place we call Earth. We believe that every child of God is designed to be a Hero of the Faith.

Do you believe this? We would like to invite you to join us as we explore what it looks like to stop pretending in our spiritual life, and to begin living authentically as children of the King.

Click on the navigation to the right for more info!